Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Modern Puritan

I don't think there is any group of people that can be compared to the Puritans because they were so strict and unforgiving, and that mind set and belief just doesn't prosper today. So I am going to write about how a Puritan would feel in today's modern world.
A Puritan in modern times would definitely be outcasted for their beliefs, because they are so radical. I also feel like the modern Puritan would be pretty judge mental towards people not of their faith, by thinking they are better than everyone. Almost everyone in today's society would be going to Hell if what the Puritans believed was true. 1) nobody dresses like the Puritans did, conservatively and dull. 2) many people don't go to church and keep the sabbath day holy, as the Puritans strongly believed should be done. 3) most people don't even know their 10 commandments. As we see in The Crucible, in extreme cases doing these things lead to people getting hung, granted we aren't going to have a Witch Trial; but still, we can see that the Puritan's were very strict and very opposite to the morals we, as a society, hold today.
In The Scarlet Letter we see Hester, being outcasted and completely ridiculed because of a sin she committed. The world today is filled with sinners, big or little sins, but sinners none the less. If Puritans were in our world they would attempt to outcast the sinners, but it would be difficult to do, seeing as just about everyone sins.
This is all not to say that there aren't any groups of people, and religions that do believe in strict rules and laws, but there aren't any quite as extreme as the Puritans.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I definitely agree with your points about how no groups today are as extreme as the Puritans , and that if the world abode by Puritan rule today, theoretically, heaven would be quite an empty place.

  3. I agree with the fact that there is no religious group or any group if people as strict as the Puritans and the way you connected their time to current time is great too.

  4. Do you think it would be okay for them to be outcasted in today's world because of their beliefs and judgments or would it still be wrong for anyone to be outcasted the way they would be?
